Inverted Wire Drawing Machines Common Faults

inverted wire drawing machines

What are the common faults in the use of inverted wire drawing machines?

1. Press the start button to make the inverted wire drawing machines head run, and release it to stop. Possible reasons: The touch point proximity switch signal is faulty, it may just be that the signal always exists

Treatment: Install the touch point proximity switch, and remove the touch point proximity switch wiring for emergency treatment. Being not.

2. If a servo (main motor, cable motor, drum changer motor, traverse motor) fault occurs, first record the fault code displayed on the servo driver, and handle it accordingly according to the fault code.

Siemens servo:

1) Phenomenon: F002 bus voltage is too low

Deal with:

① Check whether there is any problem with the power supply, whether the power cord is secure, and whether the power switch is turned on (check the bus input voltage r006, normal r006 = power supply voltage × 1.35)
② Whether the rectifier reports a fault – replace the rectifier
③ Whether the busbar copper bars connecting the inverter and rectifier are properly connected
④ Is the inverter fuse damaged?

2) Phenomenon: F008 bus voltage is low

Processing: Check the bus input voltage – parameter r006

3) Phenomenon: F006 bus voltage is too high

Deal with:

① Check the power supply and bus input voltage – parameter r006

②Increase P464 falling time

4) Phenomenon: The F015 motor is stalled or out of step

Deal with:

① Check whether the motor wiring is loose and the three-phase wiring sequence of the motor cannot be wrong.
② Check whether the motor is blocked, especially the cable motor and whether it is stuck.

5) Phenomenon: F020 motor temperature is too high

Deal with:

① Check the motor temperature

② Check the encoder cable – replace the cable P60=5

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